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Thursday 28 May 2015

Milnrow Post Office Theft And Violence

At about 8.30am on Friday 22 May 2015 three men entered the Post Office on Dale Street and, whilst one of them distracted the member of staff, the other two stole some sweets.

All three then left the shop, but a few minutes later one turned back and when he was asked to leave by the staff member, a scuffle ensued.

The offender tried to grab a pair of gloves on the display, at which point one of the other offenders came back into the shop and threw a punch at the staff-member, but missed.

All three then fled the scene on foot in the direction of Station Road.

The man who was asked to leave the shop is described as Asian, about 18-years-old, about 5ft 9in tall, of slim build and was wearing a dark hooded top with the hood up.

The man who threw the punch is described as white, about 18-years-old, about 5ft 7in tall, of slim build and was wearing a hooded top.

The third offender is described as white, about 18-years-old, about 5ft 5in tall, of medium build, and was wearing hooded top with the hood up.

Detective Constable Rich Shelton of Rochdale division said: “The victim was left shaken by this ordeal and we want to catch these men as soon as possible.

“If you saw three men matching the descriptions or saw the incident unfold, I would urge you to contact police immediately.”

Anyone with information is asked to call police on 0161 856 4646 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Source: GMP